89 Coffee Recipes
Now you can put some spice into your morning cup of coffee with 89 Coffee Recipes. Whether you like to drink it black, with milk, with cream, as an espresso, or any other variation, you can now make it happen with this ebook.
You can use 89 Coffee Recipes for a rainy day, when you fancy a different brew, or even to impress your family and friends.
89 Coffee Recipes included:
1.Alexander Espresso
2.Canadian Coffee
3.Alpine Carnival
4.Amaretto Coffee
5.Amaretto Coffee / Variation
6.Arabian Coffee
7.Black Forest Coffee
8.Buttered Rum Coffee
9.Cafe Au Lait ( Coffee with Milk )
10.Louisiana Cafe Au Lait
11.Cafe Au Lait Luzianne
12.Cafe Au Cin
13.Cafe Cappuccino
14.Cafe Cappuccino Mix
15.Cafe Con Miel
16.Cafe De Ola
17.Cafe' Mexicano
18.Cafe AlVanCocoa
19.Cafe Royale
20.Cafe Vienna Lookalike
21.Caffe Di Cioccolata
22.Cajun Coffee
23.Cappuccino Orange
24.Creamy Cappuccino
25.Cappuccino Royale
26.Cappuccino Shake
27.Cardamom-spiced Coffee
28.Chocolate Almond Coffee
29.Chocolate Coffee
30.Chocolate Mint Coffee
31.Chocolate Mint Coffee Float
32.Coconut Coffee
33.Coffee Ice
34.Coffee Soda
35.Creamy Iced Coffee
36.Creamy Irish Coffee
37.Creamy Irish Coffee 2
38.Danish Coffee
39.Delicious Coffee Milk Shake
40.Di Saronno Coffee
41.Dinner Party Coffee
42.Dublin Dream
43.Espresso Romano
44.Fireside Coffee Mix--Flavored Coffee Creamer
45.Flavored Coffees
46.Flavored Coffees (mocha)
47.Frozen Cappuccino
48.Gaelic Coffee
49.German Coffee With Whipped Cream
50.Godiva Irish Coffee
51.Homemade Coffee Liqueur
52.Hot Baja Coffee
53.Easy Iced Cafe Au Lait
54.Iced Cinnamon Coffee
55.Original Iced Coffee
56.Iced Mocha Cappuccino
57.Iced Mochacchino
58.Instant Coffee-Swiss Style Mocha Mix
59.International Cappuccino Coffee Mix
60.Bailey's Irish Cappuccino
61.Old Fashioned Irish Coffee
62. Bush mills Irish Coffee
63.Instant Creamed Irish Coffee
64.Quick Irish Coffee
65.Kahlua Irish Coffee
66.Irish Coffee Milkshake
67.Another Irish Coffee
68.Maraschino Coffee
69.Italian Coffee With Chocolate
70.Italian Mocha Espresso
71.Kahlua Coffee
72.Kahlua Kioki Coffee
73.Loco Cocoa Mocha
74.Maple Coffee
75.Mexican Spiced Coffee
76.Mocha Coffee
77.Mocha Coffee Mix
78.Mocha Flavored Coffee
79.Mocha Frappe
80.Nightcap Coffee Mix
81.Orange Cinnamon Coffee
82.Pluto Coffee
83.Praline Coffee
84.Turkish Coffee
85.Vanilla Almond Coffee
86.Viennese Coffee
87.Viennese Coffee Mix
88.Cinnamon Spiced Coffee
89.West Indies Coffee